Achab: Reconnecting with the power of hugs through cuddle therapy
Cuddling, a simple gesture that feels good
The benefits of cuddling proven by neuroscience
It is said that human beings need 4 hugs a day to survive, 8 to function and 12 to grow. On average, we need 7 minutes of cuddles a day to be happy. So whether you are affectionate or not, cuddling is essential to your balance. Not getting your daily cuddle fix? Cuddle therapy can help!
Cuddle therapy is a way to improve your health, stress and life through hugging. A good cuddle of at least 20 seconds releases oxytocin, the attachment hormone. The result is an immediate feeling of well-being and general calmness. When you are hugged, you also release endorphins (the happiness hormone) and cortisol levels drop (the stress hormone).
Cuddling gives us a deep sense of security and well-being. They reconnect us to the little child we once were and to others, making us feel less alone. In an increasingly virtual world, reconnect with the power of tenderness!
Cuddle therapy or the art of bringing touch back into focus
Cuddle therapy distinguishes between tenderness, sensuality and sexuality. There is no kissing, nudity or sex in a cuddling session. Massage, hugging, hand-to-hand contact – cuddling takes many forms. Lack of tenderness, depression, burn-out, trauma (sexual assault or sexual abuse) – cuddle therapy is beneficial in many of these cases. It helps to:
reduce stress;
improve the immune system;
reduce feelings of loneliness;
reconnect to the emotional brain;
boost self-confidence.